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Haddonfield, NJ – One of the Best Places to Live

– Philadelphia Magazine

Haddonfield, NJ, is known as one of the top places to live, and that’s not just something people say—it’s officially recognized by Philadelphia Magazine. If you’re coming from somewhere else or you already live here, Haddonfield has lots of cool stuff for everyone. One of the best things to do here is to go on a food tour.

What to expect during Haddonfield Food Tour?

This isn’t just any tour; it’s a chance to taste delicious dishes from Haddonfield restaurants and eateries, walk through beautiful old streets, learn about the town’s history, and maybe even buy some unique things.

We will starting the tour with the smells and tastes of amazing Thai cuisine, moving on to enjoy the rich and flavorful dishes from the Mediterranean, and then getting surprised by a Canadian dish that’s been given a local twist. That’s not all. This Food Tour in Haddonfield restaurants and eateries have more to offer, including a stop at Kings Road Brewing Company. Here, you can try different kinds of cool drinks that are made right in Haddonfield. It’s a fun way to see what local brewing is all about.

But this food tour isn’t just about eating and drinking. On Saturdays, from the middle of May to the middle of October, the Haddonfield Farmer’s Market is a must-see. It’s a place where local farmers and artisans come together to sell fresh fruits, vegetables, handmade goods, and more. It’s a great spot to feel the local vibe, maybe buy a few things, and even get a small gift from a chocolate shop included in the tour.

After exploring the market, the tour isn’t over yet. You’ll finish with some sweet treats from a bakery that’s loved by locals. This is the perfect ending to a day filled with good food and fun discoveries.

By joining this food tour, you’ll see why eateries and restaurants in Haddonfield are something to talk about. You’ll eat well, learn a lot, and have a great time. This food tour shows off the best of Haddonfield, making it more than just a place to eat—it’s an experience that shares the heart and taste of the town.


Haddonfield Tour Calendar


Some of the Tasting Highlights

Vendor samples and locations are subject to change.
Ages 21 and over for this tour.
Accommodations for dietary restrictions are limited to vegetarians and no seafood/shellfish on the Haddonfield Food Tour.

Come Join Us for a Food Adventure on the Town!

  • What Is Not Included? Additional beverages outside of the provided water are not included.
  • Cost: $85.00 per person
  • When: Saturdays 1:00 – 4:00 PM; 12:00 – 3:00 PM (when the farmer’s market is open)

Purchase a Gift Card Here

Haddonfield FAQs

The average length of time at each location is between 20-30 minutes.

There are times that the selected restaurant on a tour may have a scheduled private party and the restaurant will be closed to the public.  In this case, we’ll select another restaurant to take its place on the tour. 

Yes, we do offer private tours. Please fill out the private tours page on the website and submit.

Yes, On the Town Food Tour gift cards are currently available. Purchases can be made on-line for each of the tours.

A tour will accommodate up to twelve people.

You will spend about twenty minutes at each location. It is important that we stay on schedule since there are multiple locations to visit on the tour. If there is not enough time to purchase something, you can always come back to a location after the tour ends.

Yes, all tours are only offered in English.

Gratuities are not included in the price of the ticket. If you enjoyed the tour, tipping your guide is acceptable, optional, and always appreciated.

There is street parking available but it can be limited. Parking details for each tour will be provided when you purchase tickets.

The location at the start of the tour will be provided during the time of purchasing your ticket. The end of the tour will be within a quarter of a mile from the starting point.

Not all of the establishments are wheelchair accessible; however tours can be modified to accommodate guests who use wheelchairs. If there is enough room in the establishments, strollers will be allowed access. If not, strollers must be kept outside.

Yes! This tour gives you the opportunity to visit restaurants that you may have not visited before. It also provides you the chance to taste food that you may have not tasted in a favorite restaurant. In addition, you’ll meet the chefs and owners, and ask questions about the food and establishment. This tour also gives you the chance to bring guests who may have not experienced the great food in town.

Unfortunately, there are no wait lists for any of the tours.

There are times where we do a combination of both but in most cases we are seated in the restaurants.

Periodic discounts are offered, discounts are advertised on our Facebook page at

Yes, there will be bathrooms along the tasting route within several locations.

Children are welcome on the tour. Please remember that there is a lot of walking, standing and listening involved. There is quite a bit of information provided about the food. Consider if your child would enjoy this tour and whether it would be appropriate for your child. Children participating in the food tastings must have a full priced ticket regardless of age.

Water will be provided at the tastings along with the schedule alcohol tastings on this tour. You are welcome to purchase other alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages throughout the tour.

We will visit at least five establishments.  We know being full is different for everyone, but you will leave our tours feeling full.  You may need to cancel those dinner reservations.

Accommodations for dietary restrictions are limited to vegetarians and no seafood/shell fish on the Haddonfield Food Tour. If you or anyone joining is a vegetarian, please contact us upon the purchase of your tickets. If you let us know in advance, we will do our best to accommodate those needs by modifying the food samplings. Not all samples can be substituted with an alternative, therefore we cannot guarantee that a substitution can be made for the tastings.

Since there will be lots of walking and standing, comfortable shoes are recommended. Bring layers of clothing should the outdoor temperature fluctuate. You are welcome to bring a camera to capture fun moments. We encourage you to post your favorite photos to our Facebook and Twitter accounts and use hashtag #OnTheTownFoodTours. Video cameras are not allowed.

Tours are non-refundable. Tours will take place rain or shine. Should there be inclement weather (e.g., thunderstorm, heavy snow, hurricane) then a tour may be canceled. You will be notified in advance of the cancellation and will be given the opportunity to reschedule for another date or receive a refund.

Yes, advance purchase is required and tours may sell out quickly. To maximize your chances of getting the day and time you prefer, please book well in advance. Tickets can be purchased with a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.


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