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A Culinary Journey Through Hammonton Food Tours

Take an unforgettable trip through the heart of Hammonton, NJ, where you can taste the amazing flavors of Mexico. Known as the “Blueberry Capital of the World,” Hammonton, NJ boasts a rich culinary diversity, particularly noted for its exceptional Mexican cuisine. This town, with its significant Hispanic heritage, offers a plethora of dining options that showcase the authentic taste and spirit of Mexico. Come with us on the Hammonton Food Tours to try out the best Mexican food around, from classic recipes to new and exciting dishes.

Exploring Mexican Food in Hammonton Food Tours

Our adventure begins on the bustling Bellevue Avenue, the epicenter of Hammonton’s culinary scene. Here, amidst the vibrant community, we find an impressive array of Mexican restaurants and shops, each contributing to the rich tapestry of flavors that define the area. Hammonton’s substantial Hispanic population ensures an authentic and diverse dining experience, allowing us to delve deep into the heart of Mexican culinary traditions.

As we roam through Hammonton, NJ, our carefully curated food stops will introduce you to the town’s most beloved Mexican restaurants. We’ll step into the welcoming ambiance of El Mariachi Loco, Fiesta Mexicana, and Marquez Mexican Grill, where the passion for Mexican cuisine is evident in every dish served. Prepare to be tantalized by an array of Mexican street food delights, from crunchy and hearty “Mexican Pizza” that redefines comfort food to succulent tacos filled with fresh, flavorful ingredients. We’ll also savor a traditional mole dish, a complex and rich sauce that is a testament to the depth of Mexican cooking.

No Hammonton food tours would be complete without experiencing the local craft beer scene. That’s why we’ll visit Vinyl Brewing Company, where innovative brews perfectly complement the Mexican flavors we’ve explored. But our journey doesn’t end with savory treats. We’ll also discover Tales of the Olive, a charming local shop filled with exquisite gift options that capture the essence of our tour. Finally, we’ll conclude our exploration with a sweet treat — Mexican flavored ice cream that perfectly encapsulates the spirit of our Hammonton Food Tours.

Throughout this Hammonton Food Tour adventure, you won’t just indulge in delicious food; you’ll also immerse yourself in the history and culture that make Hammonton restaurants and eateries dining scene unique. Learn fascinating facts and stories that paint a vivid picture of Hammonton’s rich cultural tapestry, enhancing your dining experience with every bite.

El Mariacchi Loco_Hammonton Tour_compressed

Hammonton Restaurants Food Tours Calendar


Some of the Tasting Highlights

Vendor samples and locations are subject to change.

Accommodations for dietary restrictions are not available on the Hammonton Restaurants Food Tours.

Come Join Us for a Food Adventure on the Town!

What Is Not Included? Additional beverages outside of the provided water are not included.

Age 21 and older for this tour.

Cost: $80.00 per person
When: Saturdays 1:00 – 4:00 PM

Purchase Gift Card Here!

Hammonton Restaurants Food Tours FAQs

Yes, we do offer private tours. Please fill out the private tours page on the website and submit.

Yes, On the Town Food Tour gift cards are currently available. Purchases can be made on-line for each of the tours.

A tour will accommodate up to twelve people.

You will spend about twenty minutes at each location. It is important that we stay on schedule since there are multiple locations to visit on the tour. If there is not enough time to purchase something, you can always come back to a location after the tour ends.

Yes, all tours are only offered in English.

Gratuities are not included in the price of the ticket. If you enjoyed the tour, tipping your guide is acceptable, optional, and always appreciated.

There is street parking available but it can be limited. Parking details for each tour will be provided when you purchase tickets.

The location at the start of the tour will be provided during the time of purchasing your ticket. The end of the tour will be within a quarter of a mile from the starting point.

Not all of the establishments are wheelchair accessible; however tours can be modified to accommodate guests who use wheelchairs. If there is enough room in the establishments, strollers will be allowed access. If not, strollers must be kept outside.

Yes! This tour gives you the opportunity to visit restaurants that you may have not visited before. It also provides you the chance to taste food that you may have not tasted in a favorite restaurant. In addition, you’ll meet the chefs and owners, and ask questions about the food and establishment. Remember, there will be a history lesson provided about the town, so you may even learn something new. This tour also gives you the chance to bring guests who may have not experienced the great food in town.

Unfortunately, there are no wait lists for any of the tours.

The average length of time at each location is between 20-30 minutes.

There are times that the selected restaurant on a tour may have a scheduled private party and the restaurant will be closed to the public.  In this case, we’ll select another restaurant to take its place on the tour. 

There are times where we do a combination of both but in most cases we are seated in the restaurants.

Periodic discounts are offered, discounts are advertised on our Facebook page at

Yes, there will be bathrooms along the tasting route within several locations.

No, children are not allowed on this tour as it’s limited to those 21 years of age or older. If you would like to take your child on a tour, please choose from one of our other tours.

Water will be provided at the tastings.  Craft beer will also be available on this tour.  You are welcome to purchase other alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages throughout the tour.

We will visit at least five establishments.  We know being full is different for everyone, but you will leave our tours feeling full.  You may need to cancel those dinner reservations.

Accommodations for dietary restrictions are not available on the Hammonton Food Tour.

Since there will be lots of walking and standing, comfortable shoes are recommended. Bring layers of clothing should the outdoor temperature fluctuate. You are welcome to bring a camera to capture fun moments and take pictures of historical buildings and streets. We encourage you to post your favorite photos to our Facebook and Twitter accounts and use hashtag #OnTheTownFoodTours. Video cameras are not allowed.

Tours are non-refundable. Tours will take place rain or shine. Should there be inclement weather (e.g., thunderstorm, heavy snow, hurricane) then a tour may be canceled. You will be notified in advance of the cancellation and will be given the opportunity to reschedule for another date or receive a refund.

Yes, advance purchase is required and tours may sell out quickly. To maximize your chances of getting the day and time you prefer, please book well in advance. Tickets can be purchased with a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.


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